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Introspection and Job Search

When we think in terms of our future we often think of our career paths. It is important to realize that we are building our careers right NOW! As students, we are building our knowledge in hopes of landing a position in the field of our interest. That position could then grow to become a higher position, where you learn new skills and develop your experience to advance to the next higher position. As you can see, this outlines that our career is ongoing and has already begun. Can you imagine your ideal career? Can you imagine what you want to be doing every single day for the rest of your life?


Careers may seem like a BIG time commitment, and this is true! The average person will spend 40 years at work. This breaks down to 9,600 days, which breaks down to 72,000 hours!!! How do you want to shape 72,000 hours of your life? Most people would answer this question by saying that they want their career to be something that they actually enjoy doing, which brings fulfillment.

Pursuing a fulfilling career IS possible, but it takes a little introspection to start! Introspection—examining and observing one’s own mental and emotional processes. STOP and take this time RIGHT NOW to do a little introspection of your own self. Let your mind ponder these 3 questions or even jot down a few notes with your response:

1) What are you really good at? Think of your hobbies and your past involvement or experiences. Think of when people complement you on your activities or achievements. Think of what comes naturally to you.

2) What do you value, and do you have any role models that possess these values? It is important that our career is in line with the core of who we are.

3) Can you complete the following statement? —I would be happy to spend the next 25-40 years of my life doing ______________.

This is just a taste of introspection. Your career is 72,000 hours of your life, so it’s worth the extra 5 minutes of introspection! Try to find the time to reflect a little bit each day, in order to ensure that you are on the right career path. Think BIG, think creatively, and remember that you CAN carve your own path.

“Follow your dreams. They know the way.”




“Rachel Helfferich is a sophomore majoring in Dietetics. Her career aspirations include becoming a Registered Dietician and working to promote healthy, active lifestyles.”

Categories: Career Advice

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IUSPH Career Services

Job opportunities for Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington majors are diverse and expanding as the emphasis on living a healthy lifestyle grows around the world. Career Services experts in each of our academic departments will provide one-on-one counseling and career building opportunities throughout your academic career, from choosing the right major to developing a strategy to find a job. They can assist you with:

•career counseling
•job placement
•volunteer opportunities
•resume and cover letter preparation
•interview skills
•graduate school preparation

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